The issue of copyrights came into the public domain and stronger laws were created to protect content. These streaming service providers allowed free access to a variety of films, television shows, sporting events, and more. Many of the streaming services targeted the entertainment domain and this caused huge disruptions in the entertainment industry.

With this out of the way, streaming services boomed.

Hosting large video files was a problem the industry had struggled with for a long time. So it makes that software a great platform to learn English.The developments in cloud hosting and cloud storage led to a proliferation of websites which offered streaming service. Even so, the subtitles are in several languages, including the Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, etc. We must note that, despite the fact that the program is is translated into other languages, the movies and TV series we can play, are available only in English. This option is useful if we want to store the videos played, however, if we are using an Android device, it's best to don't store the videos, because Android free storage space, will be filled very fast. If we want to avoid that the program delete movies from the hard disk, we must uncheck the option “ Clear Tmp folder after closing the app?”. We need to keep in mind that the program does not store the movies or series in the hard disk permanently. If we want to protect our privacy we can configure the program to make use of a VPN ( Virtual Private Network). In addition, we will have access to our watchlist. We can configure an account of, in such a way that every movie and TV series that we see, will be saved on. Selecting any of the episodes, we will see a brief synopsis of that episode. In all the TV Series, we will be able to navigate through the seasons of the series, and view those episoed in which we are interested. When we are playing the movie, we will be able to pause it, change the language and size of the subtitles, and adjust the volume. We can also see the trailer of the movie, select the playback quality, and choose the language subtitles. If the circle is of any other color, it is likely that the playback of the movie will not be perfect. If the circle is green, it indicates that the film is being shared by enough users so it can be played smoothly. When we click on the movie we will see a plot summary, together with the year of release, the minutes of duration, genre, and the score received on IMDb. We will be able to filter the catalog of movies by genre (action, comedy, romantic, etc.), and organize them by popularity, year, score, etc. As simple as that, no need to configure any option, so we will be able to see online movies that are downloaded from the torrent network. Clicking on any of them, the playback of the movie will start. Just need to install the program, and in the main screen we will see the covers of the latest available movies.