Next set the time dpkg-reconfigure tzdataįinally have automatic security updates apt install unattended-upgrades Set a password for the root account of the passwd In LuCI make the containers ip address a static lease.Ĭonnect to the container (replace by the name you gave to your lxc-attach -n Ssh the containers ip address (replace by the name you gave to your lxc-info -n Choose Ubuntu Xenial (16.04 lts) as template for the container.Įdit the file /etc/config/lxc-auto to enable automatic startup of the container at boot time (see How to work with LXC containers).Īfter the creation was successful, open a terminal window and ssh to the router at its ip-address:

Use the manual How to work with LXC containers to create a new lxc container. A more comprehensive version can be downloaded here. This document shows you how to install a SoftEther VPN server on your Turris Omnia router and get it up and running. More details at Specification.SoftEther VPN server on Turris Omnia with l2tp/IPsec Multi-languages (English, Japanese and Simplified-Chinese). Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iPhone, iPad and Windows Phone are supported as a VPN client. 1Gbps-class high-speed throughput performance with low memory and CPU usage. Sufficient security features such as logging and firewall inner VPN tunnel. AES 256-bit and RSA 4096-bit encryptions. Embedded dynamic-DNS and NAT-traversal so that no static nor fixed IP address is required. Ethernet-bridging (L2) and IP-routing (元) over VPN. Resistance to highly-restricted firewall. Revolutionary VPN over ICMP and VPN over DNS features. SSL-VPN Tunneling on HTTPS to pass through NATs and firewalls. * Features of SoftEther VPN Client - Easy to establish both remote-access and site-to-site VPN.

Of course, traditional IP-routing 元 based VPN can be built by SoftEther VPN. You can easily build both Remote-Access VPN and Site-to-Site VPN, as expansion of Ethernet-based L2 VPN. SoftEther VPN Client implements Virtual Network Adapter, and SoftEther VPN Server implements Virtual Ethernet Switch. It virtualizes Ethernet by software-enumeration. Easy to imagine, design and implement your VPN topology with SoftEther VPN. Any deep-packet inspection firewalls cannot detect SoftEther VPN's transport packets as a VPN tunnel, because SoftEther VPN uses Ethernet over HTTPS for camouflage.

You can setup your own VPN server behind the firewall or NAT in your company, and you can reach to that VPN server in the corporate private network from your home or mobile place, without any modification of firewall settings. SoftEther VPN Client implements SSL-VPN (Ethernet over HTTPS) protocol for very fast throughput, low latency and firewall resistance.īuilt-in NAT-traversal penetrates your network admin's troublesome firewall for overprotection. SoftEther VPN Client is a powerful and easy-to-use VPN client for connecting to SoftEther VPN Server.