Doing so can lead to a situation of permanent data loss. However, this is not the right way to get rid of this issue. As many users reported, they tried to reinstall OS (operating system) to fix this error. The error message- Invalid Access to Memory Location in Windows ( See Image 1) may occur due to a disproportion between the Windows server version and the Application version.

This is because I typically work from network folders unless I have to be remote and can’t get a good internet connection. I regularly update my computer- but don’t regularly delete or rename folders on my hard drive. I get this error when trying to delete or rename folders on C:\ drive: ‘Error 0x800703E6: Invalid access to memory location.’ I’ve been receiving this error from the last couple of months.

Recover your data with Windows Data Recovery Software.Fix Invalid Access to Memory Location Error.Causes of Invalid Access to Memory Location Error.We also find, that while popular download portals are not used for blatant malware distribution, nearly 10% of the analyzed installers come with a third-party browser or a browser extension. We discover that most installers that download executable files over the network are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.

In particular, we measure how many of them drop potentially unwanted programs (PUP) such as browser plugins or make other unwanted system modifications. We use the system to analyze 792 freeware application installers obtained from popular download portals. The analysis system is scalable and can run on bare-metal hosts as well as in a data center. During the installation, the system collects data about the system modification and network access. The UI automation makes use of image recognition techniques and heuristics. The system emulates the behavior of a lazy user who wants to finish the installation dialogs with the default options and with as few clicks as possible. The analysis system is fully automated from installer download to execution and data collection. We present an analysis system for studying Windows application installers.